Greetings everyone and welcome to 2023, a year for which Blizzard has given us a roadmap, so we know in advance when to take our holidays. It’s also when we promised we would start Mythic progression and, even though we’re missing our AoTC, we came through and blasted the first 2 bosses on Mythic difficulty.

AoTC is still on the table, unfortunately the day we decided to progress Razageth was met with server issues, the likes which forcefully disbanded our group (and all others out there) leaving us high and dry so we gave up after 3 such disbands occured. As you can imagine, General Chat started raging, but they quickly calmed down after realizing that Blizzard is just a small indie company.


Adds were spawning, guildies were cleaving and… I dunno man – this boss was a complete joke. Still we had a few silly wipes before we downed it. What I hope people got out of this fight is that you can’t DPS/Heal if you’re dead. 

Primal Council

Onwards to victory and more cleave DPS, more tank switching and more stress for our beloved healers…

It’s a short fight, but one where we had to teach people how to spread and preposition and dip their toes in the pools. Clippy got in the Liquid Maximum role and just coached our asses – you can hear his sweet calls in the kill video below.

2/8 Mythic

2 bosses is by no means a great achievement, but it’s a great start to a season that is meant to be shorter than all those horrible 6 month Shadowlands seasons. We’ve started progress on Terros and will keep you posted on our progress, so don’t forget to check back to find out how the story unfolds.


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